Our Story

The Lasting Legacy journey began in 2008. As founder Grant Rampy was serving as White House and Capitol Hill Correspondent for the Chicago Tribune's Tribune Media TV group, his close friend, FBI Special Agent Bob Roth, was battling a terminal illness. Grant saw an opportunity to support Bob and his family in the best way he could: by documenting as much of Bob's life story as his friend had the strength to share.

"While working on the project, I realized I had stumbled upon a profound mission and a deep passion,” Grant recalls. “I knew then that Bob's time with us was limited, and he wouldn't have the chance to grow old with his wife or witness his five young children growing up. I was determined to preserve Bob's memory."

In a poignant video recorded on a sunny day in March before Bob succumbed to Multiple Myeloma caused by 9/11 exposures, we witness Bob speaking directly to the camera, sharing stories that reveal the essence of who he was. But the significance goes beyond the anecdotes; we can also feel the impact of the values and aspirations Bob imparted to his children and even the generations yet to come.

Bob's video memoir stands as a testament to a life well lived, offering solace to those who miss their beloved husband and father. It serves as a bridge that keeps Bob's unique story alive, fostering a sense of connection and presence. Moreover, it ensures that Bob's wisdom and guidance will endure, continuing to inspire all who encounter his story. Finally, it allows us, Bob's friends and family, to perpetually celebrate his remarkable journey, his numerous accomplishments, and the immense joy he brought to our lives.

Let us capture your story, too!